Books- the one thing a person can never get bored of. But how many of us are actually qualified bookworms? How many of us need nothing but a good book to stay entertained? The truth is, not a lot. Only about 27% of the world read on a regular basis.
TTBC is launching an original blog series, project book worm 27, to talk to as many book lovers as we can and seeing their views on books. Exploring and understanding their diversity in book tastes and just allowing ourselves to explore the book world.
Please, feel free to contact to get featured on our series and stay tuned on our website to learn more about project book worm 27 through bookish conversations, controversial ideas and many more sources of daily entertainment here on The Teen Book Chronicle.
Announcement: Schedule: Project book worm 27 on Saturdays and normal blog posts on Wednesdays
Contact: (or) @the_ammukutty on Instagram.
-Rukmini D (Your Blogger)